Tuesday, July 14, 2009

How do you delete the C drive, i want to reintall the whole thing and start over new.?

I've done it before by hitting certain keys to access a menu while the computer is starting up but i forgot how to do it.

How do you delete the C drive, i want to reintall the whole thing and start over new.?
you have to reformat it..boot ur windows installer to cd drive
Reply:you use fdisk from win98 startup disk or windows cd setup or partition magic. delete c drive you need reinstall your windows so use your bootable windows cd
Reply:highlight...then left cick the highlite...(while youre in MY COMPUTER)

then just select format......
Reply:if you have Windows XP and Recovery Console installed, you can do the following...

As it is rebooting, Press F10 to get to the Recovery console.

at the prompt, type "Format C: /Q /FS:NTFS" - you might not need /FS:NTFS option.

other than that. if you have an older DOS bootdisk with FDISK.EXE on it. you can repartition the whole drive and start over... Good luck.
Reply:Agree with first response. Use the OS disk of the operating system you plan to install. For instance, XP disk. When you first start you computer, press key that will take you to BIOS/CPUSOFTMENU. Inside, don't change things you don't understand, but change the boot order to CD first. Then exit (Yes, saving the changes) and boot. When text appears on the screen saying press any key to boot from CD ROM, press the any key. This is located in between the home row keys. Exactly in the middle of g and h, it's a little hard to see at first. Kidding, but seriously, XP installer will begin, and it will allow you to format before installing. Good Luck.
Reply:Insert the Windows XP diskette to CD drive and restart computer

follow the steps

it will ask for formatting c drive

select it
Reply:Hi! fine so you want to reinstall Windows---OK.i assume you have Win XP Pro installed--please go to BIOS by tapping the DEL key when your PC starts and select CD ROM/DVD ROM drive as the !st boot device---next insert the Windows CD into the tray and wait for the blue screen---follow instructions to reinstall Windows--when the question comes whether you want quick format or full format--select full format--you can create new partitions here--thats it--cheers!

snow of june

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